Welcome to Purple Radio

Durham University's award-winning radio station broadcasting live 24/7 during term time.

Find out about your favourite live shows and check when they're next on air!

At Purple Radio we have a diverse mix of popular shows to keep you amused and entertained. Whether you're trying to survive the morning rush on your way to your first contact hour, or settling in for a long night in the library finishing that essay, or getting ready to hit the town, let us provide the music for those moments.


Purple Radio was established in 1995 to provide Durham University students with experience in broadcasting media. 25 years on, and the station has never been in a better position. As well as broadcasting consistently excellent content on air during Durham University term time, we've expanded our on demand platform. From in-depth discussions with high-profile guests, to environmental documentaries, our oD section, found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and all other major podcast platforms, has it all. In addition to this, an awards-winning sports and news teams covering local and national events weekly, coupled with live sessions, music shows celebrating the wide variety of interests on campus and countless playlists, Purple is here to cater for any student's interests. In doing so, we celebrate the creative flair of Purple members, whilst also producing radio content that interests all on an intellectual plain. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, Purple has sought to use this time to help others- be it student groups and societies or local businesses and sports teams in Durham. With that in mind, if you represent a local business or student group, and would like to discuss the opportunity of us working with us, please email [email protected].

​If you're a student and you'd like to get involved in radio, be it in tech, production, on air or much more, we'd love to have you on board! Email the Station Manager, Panos Benopoulos, the email provided below or find us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. ​

GENERAL ENQUIRIES please email [email protected].